June every year is the time of transition from spring to summer in Japan, the time when sudden showers begin, the weather gradually heats up, and is also the time when hydrangeas bloom. And in today's article, I will introduce to you the most beautiful places to see hydrangeas (あじさい – Ajisai) in Nara province, Japan. And especially, you can go to all these places in just one day. Let's read together!

  1. Hase Dera Temple

This is a famous Buddhist temple of Nara province, with an extremely long history, and has been a pilgrimage site since... 686 AD. Has the same name as the pagoda Hase Dera in Kamakura, this temple in Nara is extremely famous for its peonies in spring, hydrangeas in summer, and red leaves in fall.

Peony path at Hase Dera temple.

Address: https://maps.app.goo.gl/BJfPzoB5yfsAcxEX6

The closest train station to the temple is Hasedera Station on the Kintetsu-Osaka line.

After arriving at Hasedera station, you walk about 1km to the temple.

Entrance ticket is 500 JPY for adults, 250 JPY for children, you can pay in cash, or IC Card.

Right at the entrance of the temple, there is a long slope with a very ancient wooden roof. Everyone can stop here to take photos.

The slope has a very beautiful depth, about 200 meters long, leading straight up the hydrangea flower path.

In the middle of the slope, there is a museum displaying ancient Buddha statues and paintings dating back more than 1000 years. Photography is prohibited in the museum, so everyone should come here to explore for themselves. A place not to be missed in Hase Dera.

Outside the museum area.

Also on this slope, there is a cafe, lunch, and Kimono rental for people to visit. Especially, Kimono rental price is only from 2200 JPY, extremely cheap compared to the general price level in Japan.

Kimono rental shop at the temple.

And finally, the main location of this temple, is a slope with hundreds of blooming hydrangeas.

Hundreds of pots of hydrangeas are placed on the steps leading to the main hall of the temple.

Let's see some colors of hydrangeas here:

Red, pink, blue.

There is also pink and white mixed with green.

White mixed with pink.

Red pink.

Purple mixed with white.

Green and red, very unique.

White pink

The gentle pink and purple colors are also my favorite colors of hydrangeas.

This slope is also an ideal spot for taking photos. However, to avoid crowding, people should go early. The temple's opening hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Located at the end of the slope are the temple's shrines.

The main hall of the temple is located at the highest area of the mountain, inside there is a giant statue of the eleven-faced Guanyin Bodhisattva (Juichimen Kannon). The statue is about 10 meters high, and is one of the largest wooden statues in Japan.

The statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva is in the main hall of the temple.
People come here to pray for health and luck.

The entrance ticket to visit this giant statue is 1000 JPY, tickets are sold at the temple entrance or in front of the main hall.

Some pictures outside the main hall of the temple:

This temple also has a 5-storey stupa located to the right of the main hall.

Time to visit and take photos here is about 2 hours. You should finish before 12 o'clock to get to the next location on time.

2. Tsubosaka Dera Temple.

The temple is known for its giant Buddha statue located among dozens of cherry blossom trees, which I have written about before. But when summer comes, this temple is also an extremely famous hydrangea viewing spot in Nara.

You can read my article about cherry blossoms in Tsubosaka here THIS Please.

Address: https://maps.app.goo.gl/ewDeVR2kkepVvSTJ7

From Hasedera station, take the Kintetsu-Osaka line to Yamato-Yagi station or Kashiharajingu-Mae station, then take the bus straight to the temple gate. You should search on Google Map to know the most convenient route at the time you want to go.

Giant Buddha statue with hydrangeas.

Admission to this temple is 800 JPY for adults (an increase of 200 JPY compared to cherry blossom time), and Payment in cash only. Everyone please pay attention.

Right at the entrance of the temple, there are many "tanks" of hydrangeas placed next to the statues.

The time I went was the first day of the hydrangea festival here, and it seemed like everyone didn't know this information so there weren't many people coming to visit, making taking photos a lot easier for me. much.

There are almost only a few people visiting the temple at this time.

Hydrangeas are decorated everywhere at the temple, especially around the giant Buddha statues.

A forest of flowers is placed on the second floor of the temple, an area where people can stand and take photos with the Buddha statue.

Let's see some pictures I took in this area:

Many Japanese-style white umbrellas are also decorated here.
A few small statues are also placed among the flower forest.

The flowers here are still blooming, the largest and most beautiful blooming time will start from early to mid-June.

After visiting and taking photos in this area, people can go to the higher floors of the temple to take many other angles.

The check point is right above the 2nd floor, so people can easily take photos of the Buddha statue at a closer distance.

The Buddha statue photo was taken from the check point.

Panoramic photo of the Buddha statue with the stupa below.

In addition, people can climb to the top floor of the temple to take panoramic photos below, as well as take additional photos with two other giant Buddha statues.

Two giant Buddha statues are located on the top floor of the temple.

The last bus time from the temple to the train station is 4:05 p.m., everyone remember to pay attention to the time so you can get on the bus on time.

If you can't catch the last bus in time, don't worry, you can also walk to the train station closest to the temple, Tsubosakayama station.

Tsubosakayama station address: https://maps.app.goo.gl/vwZAdapuxzqPTdiM8

And this is the end of a day visiting two temples known as the two most beautiful places to view hydrangeas in Nara province. Hopefully this article will help you easily plan the most reasonable schedule, as well as know the most beautiful photography angles of these two temples. Thank you for reading to the end of the article.

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