Enoshima is a small island located in Japan's Sagami Bay, about 50km southwest of Tokyo, famous for its extremely beautiful coastline, along with very big waves, a favorite destination for enthusiasts. surfing sport. Today, please follow me to see where I go in a day in Enoshima.

Enoshima is very famous among surfing lovers.

Address of Enoshima Island: https://maps.app.goo.gl/t1BQQT3LDhPGfdno9

First, about how to get there, you get to the station Fujisawa, then change to Enoden line, go to the station Kamakurakōkō-Mae, and this is also my first location today.

The train station is famous for its panoramic view of the sea, islands and Mount Fuji. But by the time I got here it was quite late (about 10am), so the clouds had gathered, covering the entire Mount Fuji. But it's okay, I'll come back here in the evening hoping the clouds will disappear 😀

Enoshima island
Enoshima Island viewed from Kamakurakōkō-Mae station.

In addition to this view of Enoshima Island, this train station still has many super beautiful check-in views, let's explore with me:

Crossing the street with a very chill sea view.

I've been standing here for a long time, just to catch the moments when someone crosses this road marking 😀

The car was going at a very high speed, but luckily I didn't miss it.

The next location, also right at this train station, is a quite famous slope. From above, we can see the Enoden train running along the coast.

I've been standing here for a long time, waiting for the train to pass...
…and here it is, the scene is truly as beautiful as in the movie.

Extremely worth the wait, to get these photos.

There are so many beautiful moments, I don't want to miss any of them, so I decided to post them all here :v

In addition, you can also stand at the top of the slope to capture the moment the train arrives.

Enoden ship
The Enoden train is about to pass.
One of my favorite photos today, everything is great, from the sunlight, colors, composition to the moment.

This slope is almost always crowded with people taking photos and videos. If you want to take a photo of the train passing by without getting other people in the photo, you can walk down about 200 meters. There is also another slope there that few people pay attention to.

Another slope is equally beautiful.

Because there is no exact name on Google Map, I will leave the address of a nearby store for you to easily find: https://maps.app.goo.gl/JonHpcijqWbY4HiR6

I met two Vietnamese friends here, and took a souvenir photo for them.

Luckily, when I went, the weather was very sunny, so I walked along this beach to take photos of everyday moments here.

I am quite impressed with the colorful roofs here.
The Enoden train's tracks are also the same as those of cars, quite special.

This area is located near Koshigoe station, the address I will put here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/ihHGSZh8y6GYTLvJ9

Then I also entered this train station to go to the next location.

The next place I went to was a Buddhist temple, called Kamakura Hasedera.

Address: https://maps.app.goo.gl/UM6MhNNmdctS31uE6

Get on the train and go to Hase station, then walk according to Google map.

This is a Buddhist temple, built in the 8th century, with a very spacious campus. The main hall is located high on the mountain, where we can see part of the city from above.

Admission is 400 JPY for adults and 200 JPY for children.

The main hall of the temple is extremely large.

A special feature of the temple is the bronze statue of Mahasthamaprapta Buddha, more than 9 meters high, placed inside the main hall.

View of a corner of the city and the sea that we can see from the temple.

There are still roofs with many different colors.

City, sea and mountains.

In June - July every year, this temple also has hydrangeas next to the bamboo rows.

The temple has a very peaceful and gentle atmosphere.

After walking around the temple, I moved to the next location, not too far from here (about 3 minutes walk).

The next place is Kotoku-in Temple, famous for its giant Sakyamuni Buddha statue placed outdoors.

Address: https://maps.app.goo.gl/68U8i6Eym8aDqGB1A

Giant Shakyamuni Buddha statue, made of green bronze.

Temple entrance fee is 300 JPY.

Outside the temple gate, souvenirs related to the temple are also sold, including custard cakes shaped like Shakyamuni Buddha.

Custard cake shaped like Shakyamuni Buddha.

Perhaps this is the cake that I feel the most guilty about eating TT

And finally, I will move to today's main location, Enoshima Island.

Address: https://maps.app.goo.gl/t1BQQT3LDhPGfdno9

From Hase station, take the train to Enoshima station, then walk across the Enoshima Benten bridge and onto the island.

Enoshima Benten Bridge.

First will be the slope filled with restaurants and souvenirs on both sides of the road. This is a coastal area so most dishes are related to seafood, and are extremely fresh.

Before exploring the locations on the island, you should get a map of the entire island in front of the entrance to move between points easily. You can also download an online map of the island at THIS.

The huge Torii is right in front of the Enoshima shrine.

If you like climbing mountains and climbing stairs, you can go straight to the temple. But in my opinion, you should buy escalator tickets at the ticket counter on the left side of the Torii gate to save time and energy on the move. In the escalator area, there is also a special light show for visitors to enjoy and take photos. The ticket also includes admission to famous locations on the island.

Ticket price 1500 JPY for adults.

People often put their coins in the basket placed here, and wash their coins before tossing the coins into the far box and praying.

The next place on the island is the Enoshima sea candle tower, where you can see the entire city from above along with Mount Fuji if the weather is good.

This tower will cost 800 JPY to enter, but if you have purchased a 1500 JPY ticket from the beginning, it will be free.

Enoshima sea candle tower viewed from above. Image source: Official website of Enoshima Samuel Cocking Garden and Enoshima Sea Candle (enoshima-seacandle.com).

Enoshima Island's specialty is Tako senbei pressed squid cake. Remember to try it here.

tako senbei enoshima
Tako senbei pressed squid cake.

The last place on Enoshima Island that I visited was Enoshima Iwaya cave.

There is a beautiful long red bridge here, with extremely majestic mountain and sea views right next to it.

After completing this bridge, you will find Enoshima Iwaya cave.

Inside the cave there is also a photo exhibition about the island's history.

There are also lanterns along the entrance of the cave.

This is the end of our journey to explore the island. I left the island and returned to Enoshima benten bridge to watch the event "The Diamond Fuji". This event is described as allowing you to see the sun set right at the top of Mount Fuji, creating a scene that resembles a glowing diamond. Of course, it will depend on the weather conditions of each day whether you can admire it or not.

Diamond Fuji's poster is placed on the road from Enoshima Shrine to Enoshima benten bridge.

By the time I returned to the bridge, it was around 5 p.m., the sun was also starting to turn dark yellow, preparing for sunset.

It's golden hour so anything you take will look beautiful 😀

At this time, Mount Fuji was still covered by clouds, but I still lingered here waiting for sunset, hoping the clouds would fly away and be able to see the mountain.

Today's sun sets quite far from the top of Mount Fuji 🙁

Just as I predicted, the sun gradually went down and the clouds disappeared, and the mountain began to gradually appear.

Mount Fuji at sunset with a couple on the beach.

Although I did not get to witness the Diamond Fuji event, I was still very happy to witness this scene with my own eyes, the last rays of sunlight of the day shining behind Mount Fuji.

Last photos before the sun goes down.

And this is my most satisfactory photo today. The moment I took the photo was when the camera told me there was only 1 more photo left in memory, so I tried to find the best angle and time to take the photo. possible, and here is my result:

Mount Fuji with sunset next to two lighthouses.

So I ended my journey to explore Enoshima in a more perfect way. Hundreds of beautiful photos were taken and almost every moment was very special. This is probably one of my most memorable trips in my journey to explore Japan over the years.

And finally, the author of today's article, thank you for reading to the end of the article.


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