If you only have 2 days to visit Kyoto, where should you go? What famous restaurants are there? Where to rent Kimono? These are questions that most people ask when they first come to Kyoto, but not everyone can do it in order to plan the most optimal itinerary, because there are so many places to go in this beautiful city. .

So today's article will help you choose the most typical places to visit, as well as point out famous places to eat in these areas, and an indispensable thing when mentioning Kyoto, which is the place to rent beautiful Kimono at the most affordable price. Let's get started!

  • Day 1:
  1. Rent a Kimono

Kyoto has been known as Japan's kimono factory since ancient times, so it's understandable that there are dozens of kimono sales and rental shops across the streets of this city, with all kinds of styles. as well as price. Today I will suggest to you an extremely famous Kimono rental store chain in Kyoto with many beautiful designs and extremely affordable prices: Okamoto chain of stores.

Kimono rental Okamoto Kyoto
Okamoto store Kyomizu branch.

With a history of more than 190 years, this chain of stores has stores spread across famous locations of Kyoto such as Kyomizu Temple, Thousand Pillar Pagoda, Gion Old Town,... making it easy for you to rent without having to travel. move a lot. The store has Kimono/Yugata for both men, women and children. The price for one rental (from 9am to 6pm) is only from 2980 JPY ~ 7980 JPY (about 500k VND ~ 1Million VND).

Link to preview Kimono models and prices for each type can be seen here:


To avoid having to wait, you should book in advance with the store on the website (no need to pay in advance, just register your name), the website interface is also quite easy to use, with full languages for foreigners to choose from. . The time to wear a kimono is quite long (about 30-45 minutes), so try to book from 9am to have time to take photos!

Link to pre-book an appointment here:


The store also has a small garden corner for taking photos.

The Kimono set as shown in the photo above costs about 6,500 JPY ~ 1 Million 1 VND, including Kimono set and hair styling option. The price is relatively reasonable compared to many other stores.

Kyomizu branch store address: https://goo.gl/maps/coJxmUnTxpMdeQZ3A

2. Kyomizu Temple

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/GbszVAUG4pGARJhy8

Kyomizu is only about 2km from Kyoto station. If you go alone, take bus number 206 in front of the station and get off at Kyomizu Michi stop. If you go in a group of 2-4 people, you should choose to take a taxi to save time waiting in line for the bus (40 minutes per trip), and the price is not much more expensive (only about 900 JPY ~ 1000 JPY).

When we come to Kyoto, we definitely have to go to Kyomizu once. Built in 778, this Buddhist temple has become a symbol of the city, entering the top 20 World cultural heritage sites according to UNESCO.

This temple is located on Otowa Mountain, with a slope filled with shops selling souvenirs, food as well as Kimono rental shops on both sides of the road. Let's take a look at a few shops before going to the temple!

A ceramics shop on the way to the temple.
Kimono Kyomizu
Store selling traditional Japanese goods.
Kimono Kyomizu
Bear cake and teddy bear shop. Recommend to buy cakes and milk tea here.
The name of the bear cake shop is super cute.
I don't know what the store sells but the cat is so pretty 😀

And finally, our temple is located at the top of the slope.

Kimono Kyomizu

Although it is a Buddhist temple, outside the main hall there are still Shinto shrines (Jinja) with the main color being red.

Kimono Kyomizu
Gate to the temple.
Kimono KyomizuKimono KyomizuKimono Kyomizu

After entering the gate and climbing a few stairs, we will come across a temple, most people stop here to pray, as well as buy lucky wooden pieces to write down their wishes and hang there. .

Kimono Kyomizu
A place where everyone's wishes are sent.

Most of the temples here have red tones. People should pay attention to choosing colors for Kimono that stand out, avoiding hot tones.

Kimono Kyomizu

In addition to the main hall being a Buddhist temple, Kyomizu is also famous for Jishu Jinja temple, one of the most famous love-making temples in the Kansai area :v But unfortunately it is currently closed for repairs.

After passing through these temples, we will go to the ticket purchasing area and enter the temple. Entrance ticket is 600 JPY ~ 100k VND for adults.

Legendary photography view that anyone who comes to Kyoto must have: v

There is a rather strange legend about this temple from the Edo period, which is that if a person is alive after jumping from a height of 13 meters from the main platform to the ground, that person's wish will come true. And what's even more strange is that there were 234 jumps recorded during the Edo period, and up to 85% of them survived. And of course, this action was later strictly prohibited.

Kimono Kyomizu
View taken from the main temple hall.

Here are some beautiful shooting angles at the temple that you cannot miss:

One of the most beautiful angles of Kyomizu.

To capture this angle, you need a very long focal length camera lens, or a phone with zoom capability.

Similar to this photo, we will get a photo with effects that the naked eye cannot see.

Famous stairs at Kyomizu Temple.
  • What to eat when coming to Kyomizu?

The eateries located along the ancient streets of Sannenzaka(三年坂)and Ninenzaka (二年坂)will be our destinations today. And let's start from Sannenzaka!

+ Itoken x Sou・Sou (Japanese style candy store)

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/L11HJFbifhiE1Fs69

The shop is famous for its colorful marshmallow skewers, the shape is also cute :v Tastes quite like mochi, but not too sweet, 9/10.

+ Kumo no Cha – 雲ノ茶 .

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/r8ZtqheSXxnDob7F9

True to the name of the shop, the featured dishes here are Matcha and cloud-shaped matcha cake (Kumo – 雲). I highly recommend trying this restaurant, because it has unique, ancient architecture, and amazing food. Let's explore together!

The shop is designed with an ancient style.

And this is the shop's most famous combo. Matcha has a little cream on top, which helps reduce the bitterness of the tea somewhat. The cloud-shaped cake has a sweet taste with a cool matcha filling inside. 10/10 for this great combo. Remember to try it when you come to the shop!

Father Kumono
The view from the restaurant is also very beautiful.
Kimono KyomizuKumono cha
Even though the cake looks like that, it's quite small :v

Don't forget to check-in on this street before moving to Ninenzaka street. Because the street is beautiful and quite famous, it is almost always crowded. If you want a perfect photo, you should go early in the morning or late at night, when all the shops are closed, this street will be yours :v

Sannenzaka at 9 p.m.

+ Starbucks coffee

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/EQ96QEK6kiPv4gNj6

Starbucks version of family entry: v Located on Ninenzaka Street, the shop has the ancient style inherent in the ancient capital, with many check-in places both inside and outside the shop. Let's see some pictures here!

Starbucks coffee Kyomizu
Kimono Kyomizu

+ Donguri Kyowakoku (Ghibli Store)

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/g6Wuh8b36w2BGDq2A

A store not to be missed for fans of anime in general and Ghibli Studio films in particular. The shop sells souvenirs related to characters in Ghibli movies such as Totoro, Mei, O.Chihiro, No Face, or Yubaba, ...

Right at the entrance, there is already a "friend" Totoro waiting to take pictures with you 😀

Kimono KyomizuGhibli store
Inside there is an even bigger "friend" :v
Kimono Kyomizu

And finally, don't forget to check-in at the famous Ninenzaka street outside the store.

Ninenzaka (二年坂).

+ Issunbousi Ramen (一寸法師)

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/gR32EHuEz3AuyzxU8

A very special Ramen restaurant, because the restaurant's design includes only 10 seats arranged around the chef's cooking area, through which we can observe how the chef prepares his dishes. You need to order food by buying a ticket at the automatic ticket vending machine in front of the door, then give it to the chef.

Issunbousi Ramen (一寸法師)
Shop space.

We can choose the ingredients as well as the broth in our Ramen bowl, depending on each person's taste.

Issunbousi Ramen (一寸法師)
Miso Ramen

And even more special, the shop is open from 11am, and closed after selling all 100 bowls ! So remember to arrange your time so you don't miss it.

Issunbousi Ramen (一寸法師)
It's also Miso Ramen but has crab claws :v

3. Hokanji – symbol of Kyoto.

And the last place in the Kyomizu temple area, also the most famous place, a symbol that everyone always knows when talking about Kyoto, is the Yasaka-no-to tower, also known as Hokanji (法観寺).

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/er3z17msxbs8G49fA


There are many beautiful corners here, with the main colors being brown and yellow, so once again, remember to choose bright colored clothes to easily stand out from the scene here!


This is also a place that attracts many couples to take photos, as well as take wedding photos.

And like the two locations above, the best time to shoot here, if possible, you should come to shoot at 6-8am or 8-10pm.

Photo taken at 6pm.

4. Yasaka Shrine.

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/99L2PbTuncjCMrew9

Only about 600 meters from Hokanji, we can completely walk between these two locations. If you don't want to, you can take bus 206 (2 stops) or take a taxi (about 600-800 JPY).

The temple's Nishiro-mon entrance

Yasaka Shrine, also known as Gion Shrine, is a Shinto shrine built in 656 BC. The main deity worshiped here is Susano, worshiped as a god who can ward off all disasters.

Yasaka Shrine.

In addition, this temple is also known as a very famous place to pray for love in Kyoto in particular and Japan in general.

Where people come to pray for love.

Inside the Yasaka shrine grounds there are also many other small shrines, each worshiping a different god.

Akuoji shrine.
Shrine to the god of water (Rikisui).
Large Torii gate.
Map of the entire temple grounds (source: here)

The temple also has a famous photo corner at the entrance, with a view of Gion street right behind.

A must-see view when coming to Yasaka Shrine.
Gion street
Gion Old Town in front of Yasaka Shrine.

5. Hanamikoji Street

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/d7JKEp9nriQ5WcCW9

A street with many houses, old Kimono shops, and even a Geisha area. This area prohibits tourists from taking photos, and may be fined if found taking photos. Please pay attention when coming here.

6. Shopping at Gion and Shijo-Dori streets.

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/nuhaSHjtfRRLYUWv8

From the Yasaka Shrine gate, go straight out to Gion Street with both sides of the street filled with eateries as well as souvenirs for tourists to visit and shop.

Miffy Kyoto
Miffy store on Gion Street.

Separating the two streets of Gion, Shijo-Dori, is the Kamo River, a famous river that sells a lot of "dog rice" to those who pass by here 😀 Every evening, both sides of the river are filled with couples. Couples come here to enjoy the cool air and confide: v

Kamo riverbank.

Shijo-Dori Street is for fashionistas, this street is filled with shopping stores, just like Osaka's Namba.

  • What to eat in Gion?

Kyoto is famous for its Matcha specialties, so I highly recommend trying matcha-related dishes here. And today I will introduce one of the extremely famous stores here, that is Macha House.

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/uNR31YrDsQisZAzdA

Macha house kyoto

The store has 2 floors, the space is a bit small but the food and drinks are quite delicious, that's why the shop always has a long line waiting outside the door. Waiting time is about 15-20 minutes. Today I ordered Tiramisu covered with matcha, and matcha red bean ice cream.

In addition, Gion also has many traditional ramen shops with their own unique flavors that everyone should not miss. And here is one of those ramen shops:

Ichiryu Manbai

Address: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Hr5GucwU8RU8wmJg9

Queuing time to eat is about 10-15 minutes, during this time you can choose your own food from the menu placed outside the restaurant.

There are 2 types of ramen broth that you can choose from: traditional shoyu ramen (right) and traditional ramen with less salty broth (recommend to try this one).

  • Day 2:
  1. Arashiyama (嵐山)

Arashiyama is a mountainous area on the outskirts of Kyoto, known for its beautiful scenery in all four seasons, famous for its bamboo forest and Kimono "forest".

This is a large forest with straight rows of bamboo lit on both sides. Inside this area there are also many temples and pagodas for tourists to visit.


You can rent a rickshaw to enjoy the beautiful scenery here. In the bamboo forest, there is also a designated area for rickshaws to enter, making it easier for you to take photos without worrying about being disturbed by crowds.

Sit in a rickshaw and enjoy the scenery.

Not only the mountains and forests, this place is also famous for the banks of the Katsura River. They also rent boats so we can row to explore the river ourselves, or we can hire someone to climb and sit on the boat to admire the scenery. The best time to see this place is the red leaf season (around October-November).

Address to rent a boat: https://goo.gl/maps/qzcmZKHBRXuCMr5L9

The summer landscape is also extremely beautiful with rows of green trees.
  • What to eat in Arashiyama?

+ Arashiyama Miffy Sakura Kitchen

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/uFhUCqjt75Wvemtt8

Miffy Rabbit's bakery and souvenir shop, definitely not to be missed when coming to Japan.

+ Matcha ice cream.

Matcha ice cream appears everywhere in Kyoto in general and Arashiyama in particular, a must try, especially in this hot summer.


+ % Arabica Coffee.

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/14C7CXf9CKJUXfVY7

This is the second % Arabica store in Japan (the first store is near Kyomizu Temple), mainly selling takeout, but there are still many people willing to wait for a long time to enjoy it. It's almost a sign that you're in Kyoto when checking in with this cup of coffee :v

% Arabica Kyoto travelwithminh-kyoto
Inside the % Arabica store.

+ eX cafe Kyoto Arashiyama.

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/cwmaAnYGuwpeKkrY9

I highly recommend this cafe to try when you come to Arashiyama. The food and drinks here are quite diverse, you can check out the menu at the link above. The shop's most special dish is grilled mochi, and dishes related to matcha.

eX cafe Kyoto
Grilled mochi dipped in honey.

The restaurant's space is also very spacious and designed in an old Japanese style, with Tatami seating and a bonsai garden next to it.

2. Fushimi Inari-taisha

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/U5VncbQWna6VyugL8

You can go to Fushimi Inari Station or Inari Station, these stations also have many tori gates, in the style of a temple.

Fushimi inari

Also known as the Thousand Pillar Temple, this temple is the main temple of all Inari temples in Japan. Shrine to Inari, the god of good harvests and prosperous business.

The reason people call it the thousand pillar temple is because to get to the temple, you have to go through 1000 tori gates ~ about 4km with a steep road with many steps.

Fushimi inari travelwithminh-kyoto
Torri gate.

3. Nishiki Market

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/VSZ3B8VyFoa2qiBu8

The market with 400 years of Kyoto's history, selling all kinds of items, and mainly shops selling food to tourists.

Nishiki market
Nishiki Market.

Famous Taiyaki fish cake shop, you must try it when you come here.

Nishiki market
Cat shop, selling all kinds of cat litter for brothers and sisters :v
  • Nishiki-Tenmangu Shrine

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/L6ibthGGKk4KKgmN9

Located right in front of the entrance of Nishiki market, this is a Shinto shrine more than 1000 years old.

Nishiki tenmangu shrine

4. Kyoto Tower

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/E4PexkQkojdYzsus9

The final destination of our 2-day Kyoto tour will end at Kyoto Tower. This is an observation tower and the tallest structure in Kyoto.

Kyoto tower travelwithminh-kyoto
Kyoto tower.

Thank you for reading to the end of the article, hopefully this article will make it easier for you to plan a trip to one of the most beautiful and peaceful cities in Japan - Kyoto.


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